WWE Old School RAW Is New School Disappointment

TRIPLE H PROMO We all knew this was coming. Luckily, this year, he€™s not THIS BUSINESS€™ing all over the place trying to wine and dine the aforementioned Undertaker like Brett Favre (Yes, I made that joke earlier but this column sometimes needs filler. Think of it like a mid-column Diva€™s match.) As much as I would prefer more ring-post head slamming, and less HHH talking, this wasn€™t as bad as it could be. He only took about seven minutes to say what he needed to say, which is an improvement from his normal 45 minutes. I am enjoying the intensity that the Brock/HHH feud has going. This match at Mania could steal the show. And I never thought I would say that about a HHH match ever again. So c€™mon, Brock, you gonna accept or SIT THERE AND BLEED?! I need to work that question into my repertoire of phrases immediately. ALBERTO DEL RIO VS WADE BARRETT Oh, look, another mid-card champion lost. Why do they keep doing this? Is there no one else Del Rio could face? Why do they continuously build one champion at the cost of another? The match was solid though. I just don€™t get why Wade Barrett, a guy they clearly want to groom to be something great (they gave him the IC title, put him in that movie they won€™t stop talking about), keeps taking losses while being the champion. I€™m not saying Wade should never lose, but he shouldn€™t be facing Main Event guys. When you play a fighting game, you don€™t go straight to fighting Goro. You have to first fight Melina or Stryker. That way, you don€™t get your heart ripped out immediately. Keep Wade Barrett in his tier and stop giving him to bigger champions. NEW AGE OUTLAWS VS EPICO AND PRIMO I love the New Age Outlaws. I was in fifth grade when they hit it big and I loved them so much, I named my chess partner and I after them. We took on a team of girls named The Fairies. Needless to say, we had the best name. With that said, maybe it€™s time for a haircut Billy Gunn. When your hairline starts midway to the back of your head, and your hair out Ramen noodles Dolph Ziggler, it might be time for a change. Of all the Legends appearing last night (in matches), the Outlaws looked the best. I am normally not for Legends coming in and getting title shots at the expense of the young guys, but dammit, I€™d be fine with Hell No VS The New Age Outlaws at Wrestlemania. I mean, if you want your tag team division to be 3 teams, why not include one of the best ever?

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I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify