WWE Payback 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

9. Austin Theory Goes Backwards

WWE Payback 2023 Kurt Angle Chad Gable

Whilst there have been definite shoots of recovery here or there, poor Austin Theory's obvious potential has been tailspinning out of control since he won Money In The Bank last year. Triple H doesn't seem nearly as high on him as Vince McMahon did, and now he's belt-less.

This is Theory's shot at meaningful change - going backwards and becoming United States Champion all over again would be rinse and repeat booking. He can't afford anymore of that treading water stuff at this stage. Rey Mysterio must hold onto that US gold and then creative can find something else for Austin to gun for.

This guy's pitch? Start presenting him a little closer to how he acts in real life. The man's actually really humble and loves wrestling, so it'd be cool to see him get a babyface run someday. Something has to give though, 'cause doing a 180 makes no sense at all.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.