WWE Payback 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

5. WWE Fudges LA Knight’s Rise

WWE Payback 2023 Kurt Angle Chad Gable

Alt subheading: "The Miz Beats LA Knight".

Look, Miz (as his entrance theme says) is awesome. His dress-up promo on Raw was TV gold, and he'll embrace the challenge of elevating somebody on behalf of management. He's selfless, over and damn good at his job. Let's hope creative doesn't ruin everything by backing the wrong horse.

Basically, Knight has to come out on top. He won that Battle Royal back at SummerSlam, and has made the most of everything thrown his way. Hell, LA even managed to further his storyline whilst remaining classy when paying tribute to Bray Wyatt on last week's episode of SmackDown, and that cannot have been easy.

Miz winning does nothing for WWE. People adore Knight, and they want to see him do well ASAP. This isn't the time for some slow burn 'does he have what it takes?!' narrative. Give LA wins, and give him them now. The Miz will be fine even if he loses every single match for the rest of 2023.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.