WWE Picked Drew McIntyre's Name On Wikipedia
From Galloway to McDonald to McIntyre.

Less than 30 minutes before he was set to debut on the 12 October 2007 SmackDown, Drew McIntyre was running around scanning pages on Wikipedia. Stephanie McMahon had approached him, asked the Scot if Drew Galloway was his shoot name and then said WWE needed to change it for TV when he said it was.
Cue Wiki hysteria.
On WWE's new Break It Down show, McIntyre recalled Stephanie, Michael Hayes, himself and other officials huddling round a computer screen to come up with a suitable replacement surname. WWE wanted McDonald, but Drew already knew of a legendary UK worker with that name, so he begged for something else.
McIntyre was eventually picked because it sounded overtly Scottish and had the three syllable effect Drew liked for fan chants ("Mc-in-tyre! Mc-in-tyre!"). Just like that, Galloway gave way to McIntyre. Nobody told WWE's production truck though. Their tron still said Galloway.
Of course, when Drew McIntyre was released from his WWE contract in 2014, he went back to Drew Galloway for his successful independent run. Upon returning to WWE in 2017 he would once again revert to the Drew McIntyre name.