WWE Power Rankings - May 4th 2014

4. John Cena

There were two reasons the opening segment of Monday Night Raw was so powerful and effective. While Wyatt will receive more praise due to his bigger role with the ending of it, Cena set the stage perfectly by taking a rare serious approach. His entrance possessed no posing, no talking to the camera and no run to the ring. This was a disappointed, confused and solemn Cena which was the perfect way to follow up last weeks main event vote. All too frequently Cena brushes off when bad things happen but this was a different Cena. Literally asking the WWE Universe "Why?", Cena was trying to get to grips with why people felt he deserved to be put at the impossible (yet he almost prevailed) odds of facing the entire Family. His performance here was great, as he even responded to the "You suck" chants with the frustration of a man who feels powerless against what he described as a changed landscape. His ranking has been lowered thanks to his later appearance on the show. Interviewed by Renee Young he resorted back to comedy mode making bad jokes about donkeys and saying that the fans reactions don't bother him. But nonetheless, his role in the opening segment carries him through this relapse to a strong positioning.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.