WWE: Ranking 5 Best & Worst Belt Designs In WWE History

5 Best Belt Designs...

5. WWF Hardcore Championship (1998 €“ 2003)

hardcore title I start with what could potentially be a controversial pick as it is by no means an attractive belt. Butt ugly you could even say but that€™s not the point of this belt at all. This belt represented the hard-core element of WWE television and this belt represented it so well it is THE image of the division. Matches simply wouldn€™t have had the same feel if the ref was clutching a shiny gold shield while following two brawling warriors around arena€™s, parking lots and children play areas (yup!). This is the perfect example of getting a theme absolutely perfect and who ever had the job of smashing an old belt should be commended for ingenuity. And for money saving!
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.