WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (July 25)

9. The Red Ring Ropes Were Back

Kevin Owens Rusev

Remember during the 'Attitude Era' when the then-WWF had red ring ropes on Raw Is War and blue ones on SmackDown? It was a small nuance, but nonetheless important. Visually, it helped distinguish between the shows, just as WCW had done with Nitro (red) and Thunder (blue). Little touches like that can go a long way.

Some time ago, WWE made the decision to do away with the red ropes on Raw, often opting for white ones instead. Occasionally, they've been black, but the company have usually stuck with white. To mark the new era of Raw, the red was back in force, and it looked awesome.

To some wrestling fans, these things don't particularly matter. To others, they live and die by these subtle touches in presentation. Hopefully, SmackDown will follow suit and get back to those blue ropes sooner rather than later.

Due to the return of the red strands and the new logo, Raw had an immediately nostalgic look for older viewers, but a fresh atmosphere overall. That's a good thing.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.