WWE Raw: 10 Things You Might Have Missed (Nov 28)

8. Chris Jericho Looking Utterly Dejected

Charlotte Raw

The beauty of Chris Jericho's current guise on WWE television is that he takes everything about his ridiculous character seriously. Existing in his own little bubble, the Canadian doesn't see what's silly about his mannerisms, catchphrases or the fact he wears a scarf with no shirt.

Best of all, Chris takes the 'List Of Jericho' seriously. His pride and joy, the list is something Jericho has been able to get over with fans to such a degree that he's barely even a heel these days. On Raw, Y2J sold the impact the list has on him. Specifically, he sold his disappointment over being cut off by Kevin Owens when he was about to put Roman Reigns on there.

Telling his buddy to shut up, KO wanted to address Reigns himself. Staring with wide eyes at his pal, Jericho looked crestfallen for the next few minutes. Almost until the end of the segment, he looked at the ground like a scolded child and didn't really interact much with Reigns or Owens.

Dejected at the way he had been treated, Jericho was excellent even when in the background.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.