WWE Raw Debut Wrestlers: Where Are They Now?

3. Damien Demento

It must be the answer to some kind of obscure trivia question that Damien Demento was in the main event of the first ever Monday Night Raw show. Facing The Undertaker, Demento was really only there to provide 'The Deadman' with another win heading into the 1993 Royal Rumble match. However, nobody can take away from him that he was part of history. The Damien Demento character was interesting, acting as someone who had completely lost their marbles. It didn't strike a chord with fans, however, and Demento was released in October 1993. Since then, he has worked mainly on the independent scene. Demento received a modicum of fan interest for various YouTube 'shoot' style promos he uploaded regarding his career. It turned out they were done in-character, and not representative of the real life thoughts of Phillip Theis, mind. One of the most original names to appear on this list, Demento later became both an artist and a sculptor upon stepping away from the spotlight. Nowadays, he can be found performing on the East Coast in North America, and is available for independent bookings. What a curious choice for the first ever Raw main event...

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.