WWE RAW Review 8/19/2013: 5 Things We Learned

2. The MidCard Gets Their Shot

With Cena leaving due to injury, time will now be available for the midcarders to try and get over. And last night's program saw the beginning of this movement. The tag team division is attempting to come to life with the the imminent arrival of a new Mexican tag team, and The Miz is starting a program with Fandango. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow are also having a nice program, and let's not forget Antonio Caesaro and that We the People stuff. Larger developments in the midcard this week include Dolph Ziggler putting up a valiant fight against the entirety of The Shield, the return of a slimmer Big Show, and RVD getting surprisingly paired with a returning Ricardo Rodriguez. Here's hoping all the midcarders continue to perform at high levels with some of this fresher content, and we can watch new stars come to life in the absence of John Cena.
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From and currently living in Appalachia - Love just about all things Pop Culture