WWE Reveal Renee Young As New Permanent Raw Announcer

Coachman is getting the boot.

Renee Young Raw

WWE, via the corporate arm of their official website, have today revealed a change to the Raw announcing lineup, one which anyone who has watched the show over the last three weeks could have seen coming a mile off. Starting this week, recent stand-in Renee Young will have a permanent position at the desk, booting Jonathan Coachman to pay-per-view Kick Off duties, in doing so becoming the first woman to hold a full-time commentary position in WWE.

Whilst Young's commentary hasn't been revolutionary, it has rather highlighted the utterly superfluity of Coachman. Since his return to WWE as an announcer this January replacing the combustible Booker T, the former ESPN anchor has proven to be surprisingly inept at a job he's intimately familiar with. The Coach was parachuted back into a product he'd clearly enjoyed little engagement with over the past few years, and his regular logical flubs on Raw have amused as often as they frustrated. In that regard, we'll miss him. But not too much.

Though Young's new role is rightly being heralded by the company, she is not the first woman to regularly announce for the organisation. Mike McGuirk, the daughter of legendary promoter Leroy, provided frequent analysis for WWF's All-American Wrestling show, and even filled the colour position for the entirety of the Best of the WWF Volume 15 VHS.

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Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.