WWE Royal Rumble 2013: 5 Awesome Moments And 5 That Sucked

3. Royal Rumble Match Moments

As always, the Royal Rumble delivered with its usual spots and returns. As mentioned earlier, Goldust's returned albeit short-lived, but at least it wasn't as short as The Godfather's. On the plus side, The Godfather came out with the Ho-Train. On the downside, it was a very PG-rated Ho-Train. One return that made the crowd go even crazier than those two combined was Y2J's. But more on that later. As for the spots, there was Daniel Bryan clutching onto Kane for dear life as he argued with him to not drop him, only to have Kane drop him. The look on Bryan's face when he first landed in Kane's arms was priceless. The spot seemed similar to Kofi at first, but of course Kofi pulled out another "Tell Me I Didn't Just See That" Slammy-Award nominee moment by using JBL's chair to pogo his way over to the ring. But for me, one of the better spots was seeing Santino Marella run in to seemingly clean house Royal Rumble fashion, only to catch a beat-down for failing to do so.
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When not toiling away in day job obscurity, writes unproduced screenplays. Obsessed with professional wrestling, film, TV, music, and comics. And yes, in that order. Doesn’t mind spoilers. Follow him on twitter @olschooljabroni or e-mail him at oldschooljabronies@gmail.com. Or visit the www.oldschooljabronies.com.