WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 Best Choices To Win

8. Sami Zayn

Now is the time when WWE needs to take a chance and pull the trigger on creating new stars. They€™re starving for firepower at the top of the bill and there€™s no more surefire way to achieve that than bringing someone new in and putting them over strong over what would essentially be the entire roster. If Daniel Bryan is truly not coming back - and it's not looking like it's happening any time soon - then why not take the man who has all the potential to be the second coming of and encompasses everything we loved about D-Bry and position him as the next lovable underdog babyface? How I'd Book It: Sami isn't the kind of guy you can book too strongly or he loses what makes him special, so I'd bring him in as a late entrant, perhaps in the early 20s, and then let him dazzle the audience with his creative offense and an array of close call eliminations before winning the title in a shocking upset. Then he headlines 'Mania against Lesnar, conquers the conqueror and is, ideally, made for life.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.