WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 Best Choices To Win

6. Dean Ambrose

Throughout the entirety of the Roman Reigns solo push, and even a bit before, WWE has been intent on positioning The Juggernaut as the man at the head of the company, while the fans have thrown their support much more vocally towards another former Shield member. Dean Ambrose is a more accomplished worker, light years better on the stick and oozes charisma whenever he's onscreen, where he's shown a talent for making the best out of some pretty awful booking. The only area where Reigns has an advantage is his look, but is that enough of a reason to make someone a posterboy? What if WWE decided to swerve us all by shifting directions in the 11th hour and going with Ambrose as the face of the company, at least until other options present themselves more organically? How I'd Book It: I'd go with the oft-proposed Reigns heel turn and have Roman be the second of his Shield brethren to stab Dean in the back. After an effective alliance throughout the Rumble I'd have Reigns attack him during a lull in the action, but in such a way that made it obvious this was about more than just the spirit of competition. Then when Ambrose eliminates him I'd have him come back in for a sore loser beatdown, just to cement the heel turn in the eyes of the fans. Then you can run with Reigns/Ambrose at Fastlane and WrestleMania.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.