WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 WWE Superstars Who Could Win

1. Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar versus 29 WWE Superstars. The Heyman promos write themselves. "BRAAAWWWWKKK LEZZZNAAARRR will take each and every single one of you to SOO-PLEKKKS CIIITYT, BITCH!" I want Bo Dallas to be number one, King Barrett to be #2 and Brock to be #3, just so that Bo Dallas can eat German suplexes for a minute while King Barrett watches and sells and sees Bo get tossed over the top rope. Also, there's Xavier Woods taking a belly to back over the top onto the New Day, Kane to get F5'ed over the top rope, Roman Reigns thinking he's eliminated Brock, but Brock say, going through the first and second ropes, landing on the floor and then springing back up to the apron. I mean, it's Brock Lesnar in the Royal Rumble to get a shot against Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania. If he's the company's top draw, then showcasing him in the most mind blowing way possible against a roster of performers that 99% of the crowd likely believes are beneath him as an entertainer makes sense, right?

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.