WWE Royal Rumble 2016: Early Betting Predictions

2. Brock Lesnar

As the first of two joint 4/1 favourites, the bookmakers obviously think €œThe Beast€ could well be the last man standing at the end of the 2016 Royal Rumble. Reasons he should win €“ Given the nature of Lesnar€™s WWE contract it€™s likely he€™ll vanish from our TV screens sometime over the next couple of months. What better way is there then to bring him back than to have him win the Royal Rumble on his return as a surprise entrant? It makes a lot of sense if WWE want a credible winner who will go down well with the fans, something they will presumably want after the disastrous reaction to this year€™s outcome. Reasons he shouldn€™t win €“ Basically the same reason as Cena. Lesnar doesn€™t need this win for his WrestleMania bout to be considered a main event level match, so perhaps it€™s a waste to let him win the Rumble. It could go to someone who could benefit from it more.

Sports betting enthusiast whose main interests are rugby, football and MMA. Also a huge WWE fan and a self diagnosed TV & movies addict, with a particular love of anything Marvel or Dan Harmon related.