WWE Royal Rumble 2024: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

7. All Of The Legends Cameos Stink

WWE Royal Rumble 2024 Roman Reigns

When he comes crashing down, and it hurts inside. That'd be the scene if Hulk Hogan stumbled his way down the aisle for a cameo appearance on Saturday night and tried to dish out some of his signature offensive moves. A leg drop is out of the question after so many surgeries, but the old finger point and punches wouldn't be.

It's important to note something at this point. The dude writing this sees value in 'Real American' blasting over the speakers and Hulk wandering out for a short stint in the men's Rumble. He does, but he also realises that it could be a complete and utter disaster for remaining Hulkamaniacs worldwide.

Actually, what if all of the legendary cameos in both matches suck? How horrible would that be?! Seeing AJ Lee struggle with ring rust or Ken Shamrock fall over after a few suplexes would be crap. It wouldn't be nearly as rotten as this next entry, to be fair.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.