WWE Royal Rumble 2024: 10 Surprise Entrants We Could See

8. Zack Ryder

WWE Royal Rumble 2024 Sasha Banks Mercedes Mone

Ric Flair's AEW arrival was a "Woo" that many didn't want, but Matt Cardona bursting back onto the WWE scene with a "Woo! Woo! Woo!" would get a thumbs up. This is one company comeback that makes sense, and it's been in the works for a while. Or, at least, that's what the rumour mill suggests.

If Cardona is returning, then he might have to reassume the old Zack Ryder name and run all the way to the bank. Nobody could blame the guy for that. He's been smashing it on the indy scene since leaving WWE, and it'd be understandable if he fancies padding his bank account with more Ryder merch in 2024.

You know it.

Most of the rumours hinge on Matt's relationship with WWE star Chelsea Green, which is actually kinda funny. It's hardly uncommon for adult couples to do their own thing work-wise. It would be sweet to see Ryder return though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.