WWE Star On Possible CM Punk Match: "Money Talks"!

This WWE star would be fine with Triple H re-signing former AEW man CM Punk.

Finn Balor

Current WWE star Finn Bálor wouldn't bat an eyelid if Triple H and the company re-signed now-former AEW man CM Punk in the future.

The Ringer Wrestling Show outright asked Bálor if he'd be game for wrestling Punk should the controversial grappler launch an unlikely (but heavily discussed) comeback. Staying professional but being totally candid, Finn said he'd "be interested in wrestling a broomstick if someone is going to pay me money".


Fans on socials have already joked that Bálor would probably carry the thing to a five star classic.

Back to Bálor. He told the podcast that "money talks" when it comes to thrashing out potential mega-matches going forwards. The Judgment Day member is certainly not going to knock back any chance to rake in the cash, especially at this stage in his lengthy career.


Now, the decision rests with Punk, Triple H, Vince McMahon and other members of upper-tier WWE management. There are yays and nays for and against bringing Punk back to the promotion. Should it happen, Finn says he'll be raring to go if his number is called.

Punk vs. Bálor could be loads of fun.

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CM Punk
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