WWE Stomping Grounds 2019: 10 Results Predictions
It almost makes one yearn for Great Balls of Fire.

'Stomping Grounds' is a bit of an odd name for a brand new pay-per-view taking in place in Tacoma, WA - not exactly home turf for WWE. But given the overabundance of rematches taking place on the show, perhaps it's eminently sensible. This is, after all, territory well trampled by WWE's boots.
The sense of déjà vu is palpable, as half of the card consists of contests we've either seen extremely recently, ad nauseum, or both. After their colossal snoozefest at The Greatest Crown Jeweldown, who exactly was pining for another meeting between Universal Champion Seth Rollins and medical science's latest cure for insomnia, Baron Corbin? Why has Dolph Ziggler's stand-in feud been extended to a second month, with a steel cage added for good measure as though this were a rivalry for the ages? Likewise, what was the point of Roman Reigns beating Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania if he has to do it again in the northwest? Did that show even happen?
It might as well not have. The feel-good factor surrounding Becky Lynch has cooled quicker than an ephemeral British summer. Alexa Bliss is back in the title hunt, despite not wrestling for literally yonks. And R-Truth - yes, R-Truth - is one of the most over guys in the company. In fact, his title is the only one not officially on the line tonight - and it's arguably the most interesting one.
The past is best left in the past - especially when it was crap the first time around.
10. More 24/7 Shenanigans

It's not a hyperbolic over-exaggeration to suggest the 24/7 Championship is currently the best thing going on in WWE, in the same way it's not excessive to muse that Nero's fiddling lightened the mood as Rome burnt to a crisp.
Whilst not being actually amazing, the ostensible new Hardcore belt has nevertheless been creatively fertile ground, relatively speaking, giving rise to some legitimately entertaining segments, all tongue-in-cheek and ironical.
It's almost as if WWE's writers are catching up. One such skit saw R-Truth take Drake Maverick's title moments after he'd tied the knot earlier this week, and we're sure to see more of the same this Sunday. Given the nature of the title, it's literally impossible to say what. A show-wide story between all the rematches would certainly help stave off snoozes.
Prediction: Er, it'll be on there.