WWE SummerSlam 2014: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Will Main Event

5. Bryan Needs A Major Opponent Following Kane Feud

It is often the case in WWE that a performer is only as good as the opponent he is getting to work with. Right now Daniel Bryan isn't being given the best creative. That means he is coming off as the secondary star in the company. Booked in a feud with Kane he is relegated to being the third most interesting thing on Raw behind Evolution vs The Shield and Cena vs Wyatt. WWE can remedy this with Bryan and Lesnar feuding, a match in which both performers have star perception. Kane in contrast is a talent who barely wrestled up until WrestleMania 30. The crowd are rightly seeing the Kane vs Bryan feud as mere filler content which is plugging a gap until the Champion gets a better opponent. That's the truth of it, WWE really are doing Bryan's current feud in order to extend his run. The company aren't even being subtle about this, they don't care that the WWE title is secondary to Cena / Wyatt / Evolution / Shield right now. A good championship run needs to be defended against opposition who pose a threat, it's only engaging if you actually believe the title could change hands. Lesnar is the man who can provide that role to Bryan's run, he's the major opponent the Champion needs after an underwhelming series of matches with Kane.
WWE Writer

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