WWE SummerSlam 2020: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

1. WWE Title: Drew McIntyre (c) Vs. Randy Orton

WWE SummerSlam 2020 Asuka Bayley

Result: McIntyre defeats Orton with a backslide to retain the title (20:35).

Rating: Though the first few minutes of the match seemed to suggest we'd be getting another low-effort, care-free Randy Orton performance, that quickly changed as both men hit a high gear and maintained throughout.

This cements Drew as having one of the strongest main event title runs in recent history, and it was particularly refreshing to see a match that didn't devolve into relentless finisher spam.

The pair made us wait and wait for the marquee moves, and true to the "You'll Never See It Coming" tagline, it was neat to see Drew score the win with a backslide of all things.

In many matches this would seem anti-climactic, but it offered up a refreshing riposte to the usual formula, and served as a nice reminder that there are different ways to end main event matches.

Drew's great reign continues - for now at least. 8/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.