WWE SummerSlam: 8 Reasons Why Brock Lesnar Must Conquer The Undertaker

2. A Non-Finish Of Some Sort Would Be More Exciting

So, if The Undertaker winning is the wrong move and the WWE doesn't want to have Lesnar gain a second victory over the Phenom, how else could this match end? How about with the ever unpopular no-contest ruling? While those are often the worst way possible to bring a PPV to an end, there's a lot of potential here for one of those. For starters, it will give the WWE the choice to redo this rematch somewhere down the line. With no definitive victor at SummerSlam, fans would no doubt be excited to see these two once again clash. More importantly, a non-finish caused by interference could set the stage for an even bigger match in the not so distant future. Picture this: The Undertaker is about to deliver the final blow to Lesnar only for the arena to go dark and the sound of crows to blast through the Titantron. Just like that, you'd have that long rumoured match with Sting ready to go at next years' WrestleMania. How about The Rock returning to take vengeance on Lesnar for what his did to his cousin and for Heyman's comments about his family? Those are just a couple of random possibilities which would be better than The Undertaker emerging victorious. While Brock winning would ultimately be Best for Business, I would happily sacrifice that for an open ending which sets up something even more exciting than this much hyped rematch!

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