WWE Super Show-Down: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Triple H Vs. The Undertaker

WWE Super Show Down Undertaker Shawn Michaels Triple H

The Result: Trips puts Taker down after a Sweet Chin Music-Pedigree combo (27:35).

Rating: By any conventional metric this match was absolutely terrible, but it was also a ludicrously entertaining s**tshow at the same time. The pacing? Awful. The fighting itself? Horrible. But the fan service and the sheer silliness of it all? Top notch.

The crowd were having a lot of fun with the trainwreck before them, while at home it was hard not to be distracted by HBK's seemingly glued-on cowboy hat, which finally parted with his head late in the day. Just embrace your baldness, Shawn, for your own sake.

This was a quintessentially overbooked mess of a match, but at least it didn't involve up-and-comers who might actually be harmed by it. If the inevitable tag match between the four men at Crown Jewel can get anywhere close to this level of absurdity, we could be in for back-to-back so-bad-it's-good classics.

As a bloated ego project for Triple H to go over another industry vet and a reminder that Taker just needs to be stop, though, it stunk the joint up. 4/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.