WWE Survivor Series 2018: 10 Things We Learned

8. So Was AOP Vs. The Bar

Big Show Drake Maverick

Perhaps the only thing anyone will remember about AOP vs. The Bar is that 205 Live GM and cocky heel manager Drake Maverick p*ssed his little pants and got chuckled at by Big Show, Cesaro, Sheamus and the announcers.

Following that 'totes hilare' toilet humour, his AOP troops picked up what was presented as a fluke win over a team that probably had their number without Maverick going all Vinnie Mac circa 1998. Back then, Steve Austin had a gun to McMahon's head and the joke was on him. Here, the joke was definitely on fans who were expected to treat this as a big-time match.

Again, much like Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, it was inconsequential fluff that'll be ignored come Monday's Raw. Expect a quick mention from Cole, Graves and Renee Young about AOP's win, then never to hear another word about it.

This was the opposite of must-see wrestling, not because the workers involved are rotten but more because the writing was.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.