WWE Survivor Series 2020: 40 Things You Probably Missed

3. Graves Getting It Wrong

Undertaker, Diesel, WrestleMania XII

If you're going to correct someone on air, make sure you get it right.

Cole said that Kevin Nash, as Diesel, was one of The Undertaker's victims at WrestleMania XII. Corey Graves then interrupted to say it was actually either 'Mania XI or 13, and closed, "I recall it in the main event". Oops! That was a big of a botch from Mr. Colour Commentator; Diesel vs. 'Taker did happen at XII, and it wasn't the headliner.

In fairness, Graves had a chuckle a few minutes later and acknowledged that he'd been wrong. He must've looked that one up on his phone after butting in on Cole.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.