WWE Survivor Series 2023: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

9. Santos Escobar Stares At The Lights

GUNTHER The Ultimate Warrior Rib WWE

If you had a betting slip, you could put "Santos Escobar" on it quite comfortably. After all, the ex-LWO man literally just turned heel on mentor Rey Mysterio and is a surefire safe bet to win over Carlito at Survivors, eh? Not so fast. Perhaps an unwanted bump in the road is coming for Santos.

Let's hope his eyes aren't sensitive to bright lights, if so.

WWE's writers may reason that Carlito winning would be an easy undercard pop for the live audience. No, it wouldn't make a lick of sense given where these two men are at in their respective careers, but sometimes logic takes a back seat to house show-style booking.

Zelina Vega, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro could rush out to help Carlito spit a proverbial apple right in Escobar's face, then Santos will rally to come again in time for Rey's return from injury. That'd suck though. It really, really would.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.