WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen

5. But GUNTHER Retains

WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2023 Randy Orton

Naturally, GUNTHER would still win.

Were you expecting something else? There's just no need to cut his Intercontinental Title run off at this point. That's amazing when you stop to think about it. GUNTHER has been reigning champion for well over 500 days now, and yet he's still one of the fresher-feeling faces on WWE television.

Miz is a nice upper-tier hurdle for him heading towards surefire main event stardom next year, but that's all. GUNTHER is holding onto that belt, one he's turned into a true treasure again. Then, Triple H can get Brock Lesnar on the phone and see if he fancies stopping by during 'Mania season for a chop-fest with the champ.

Credit where it's due: WWE has done an excellent job presenting The Miz as someone capable of upsetting GUNTHER. Miz has dispensed with the goofy and gone serious. It's working, but he shouldn't take the gold in Chicago.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.