WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2023: 10 Things That Must Happen

2. Friction Between Old Legacy Stablemates

WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2023 Randy Orton

Cody Rhodes is putting a lot of faith in his old Legacy leader Randy Orton.

The top babyface in the company believes Orton will be the difference maker against Judgment Day and Drew McIntyre inside WarGames, but will Randy play ball? Probably, although WWE can drop not-so-subtle hints about what's coming next on TV.

There was a definite pecking order back in the day with Legacy. Randy was number one, and both Cody and Ted DiBiase did exactly what he told them. At times, Orton even got pushy and demanding about that, which wouldn't suit Rhodes circa 2023. Keep that in mind if Randy does try to call the shots at Survivor Series.

One puzzled look from Cody would be enough to sell it. Similarly, Orton wearing that frenzied look of old (few pull off that facial expression better) is a real must. Friction can sow seeds for an eventual match between the pair without pulling any triggers quite yet.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.