WWE Tag Team Division Finally Getting Some Buzz

The crowning of new champions, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, could trigger an upsurge in the division.

The WWE tag division has been living on life support since the breakup of Jeri-Show two years ago. But the crowning of new champions, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth, could trigger an upsurge. After capturing the titles from Primo and Epico on last week€™s Raw, the two received a rapturous ovation on SmackDown as Lillian Garcia introduced them as €œNew WWE Tag Team Champions€. Many will be hoping the crowd€™s excitement will set the tone for a new chapter. The high flyers began their reign with an enthralling victory over the new, but extremely talented, duo of Hunico and Camacho. At one stage commentator Booker-T, a former 10 time WCW Tag Champion, bellowed €œtag-team personification€ in homage of what he saw. What added further significance was that during the bout Primo and Epico hit the scene to observe and of course they were accompanied by the ever radiant Rosa Mendes and their new manager Abraham Washington. Their arrival meant that all of a sudden we had enticing scene of three acrobatic accomplished teams on display. It is too early to suggest that an E&C-Hardy-Boys-Dudley Boys-esque triangle is emerging; but certainly the sense of competition was a breath of fresh air. However, for real momentum to build there needs to be a deeper roster of competition. The fans are already familiar with The Uso's, and although absent from the most recent SmackDown, Titus O'Neil and Darren Young were impressive the week prior. They have the personality to match their in-ring ability, and by recent standards, they have the pedigree to be future champions. Also once Justin Gabriel returns from injury, there are reports he could re-join forces with Tyson Kidd. The pool of talent is certainly widening, but false dawns, in the mold of Air Boom, have left the WWE Universe battle weary. It might be too early to get excited, but for die-hard tag team enthusiasts, there are at least signs that things could get better.

Sohail has been working in international television news for much of the last decade. While politics is his bread and butter, sport remains his passion. Residing in the Middle East, he ventures abroad regularly to watch his best sports live. In recent years he's attended the World Cup in South Africa, Wrestlemania 28 in his favourite city Miami, and he’s heading to London for the Olympics!