WWE TLC 2015 - 8 Live Observations

3. The Rebirth Of Roman Reigns

Every time the mere mention or image of Roman Reigns came up on the jumbotron, a loud chorus of boos would ensue. So loud, I could picture Triple H in his producer€™s chair backstage removing one side of his headphones to confirm what he thought he was hearing. At one point, it amazed me to think again how WWE is handling the Roman Reigns character so lousily, when all he requires is a few simple fixes. At the top of that list is an edge. Last night, they fixed it. Roman finally became the man fans were yearning to see, and in the process, he took out a king. Some of the spots in the opening tag-team title match had claimed the loudest reactions of the night, up until Roman finally unleashed the beast within. The crowd was jolted. Even a failed announcer€™s table-break received support from the Boston faithful, in which calls for €œone more time€ echoed throughout the arena. The little-known fact is many Roman fans had immediately filed out of the building in disgust like ants, following his loss to Sheamus. We can count on many of them to be kicking themselves today for missing the best moment of the night. Not one single boo was heard. Instead it was: €œThank-you-Ro-man!€ Turning skeptics into believers.

Luis Vasquez is a life-long follower of WWE. His insights outside of the wrestling world have been heard and echoed around the world in print form and on television. Luis is a product of Emerson College in Boston, MA. He is married and has two kids. Follow him on Twitter to continue the conversation.