WWE TLC 2019: 10 Things That Must Happen

2. Daniel Bryan Plays Mind Games Of His Own

Bray Wyatt Daniel Bryan

It was a slight surprise that Daniel Bryan didn't show up on SmackDown with a smashing new haircut. Presumably, WWE wanted to hold that back for TLC and beyond. Don't rule out Dan looking on as Bray's 'Fiend' plays mind games with The Miz, and there's a chance he'll appear in some sort of pre-tape on the tron to do some psychological stuff himself.

Without the hair, of course.

Wyatt ripped that out in clumps, and Daniel required a bit of an image change to signal his reversion to babyface status anyway. If he appears on the big screen with a new look and sends a message to Bray without actually interfering, he'll raise the ire of Miz too. He'd rightly be upset that Bryan didn't help him fight off a demon when he and WWE's locker room most needed it.

It's good to have options, and WWE have several coming out of this. They can repeat Wyatt vs. Bryan, then spin off into babyface Bryan vs. heel Miz in time for WrestleMania. Both scenarios sound workable.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.