WWE: Top 25 Stone Cold Steve Austin Moments

12. "Stone Cold Will Never Be Employee Of The Month!"

Feuds are undying, and the hatred that follows those feuds is timeless, nothing more and nothing less. The feud between Steve Austin and Vince McMahon only got heavier, grittier, and more escalated with each event that passed, and the hatred between both men drove the experience to places we've never seen before. When the acquisition of the WWF Championship fell into Austin's hands after he beat Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania XIV, he brought with him the Attitude Era and a well-rounded, corporate Vince McMahon the following night on Monday Night Raw. With Stone Cold being the flagship superstar in the business and the championship around his waist, the politics of the business following with Vince as he approached Austin in the hopes of having him side with his vision for the WWF. Vince proposed to Austin that by following his lead, he could be the greatest WWF Champion in history....but only if he fell in with Vince's plans. Of course Austin didn't take the bait, proclaiming that not even Vince McMahon tells Stone Cold Steve Austin what to do. The pressure was on Vince as he told Austin "we can do this the easy way, or the hard way": the easy way being for Austin to adapt to the necessities of business and learn to be flexible, or the hard way simply being Vince's way of doing business, which is usually never a good sign. Austin was allowed a few seconds to process his decision....and put Vince into a Stone Cold Stunner to the crowd's enjoyment. What's important to remember here is Austin's undeniable attitude towards Vince after winning the WWF title; we all know that even if Stone Cold lost against Michaels, he would still remain a rebel in the face of Vince McMahon. But this moment proved that with all the power clearly shifted in Stone Cold's favor, he not only had bragging rights and a top place on the totem pole, but a clear authoritative ranking that was higher than McMahon. Austin played it his way while Vince took the business route, so what path seems more logical? NOTE: There was no isolated video for this specific moment. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Ryan Glenn is an amateur writer in pursuit of a career in both the writing and graphic design fields. He currently attends the Art Institutes of Illinois and looks to go back for a degree in journalism. A reader of an exhaustive library of books and an adept music and video game lover, there's no outlet of media that he isn't involved in or doesn't love.