WWE Tough Enough 2015: Ranking Every Contestant's Prospects

1. Josh Bredl

Male Winner Big Josh was the favourite from the moment the show began with early reports being that Vince McMahon wanted him to win. Why? Because he's a 24 year old former football player that's 6'7" and was 290 pounds, but he got in great shape and was a muscular 270 pounds by the time the show was over. In other words, he worked hard to better himself. As the competition went on, he showed that he was clearly the best choice as the winner because of his size, work ethic and ability to apply what the coaches were teaching him. He did pretty well in his match against Cesaro on the finale. He's learned a lot of the basic moves and will likely add some believable big man offense to his arsenal. The training staff in WWE is great, so they will help him a lot. WWE has to be very happy that Josh won because if it was ZZ, people would be pretty mad about it since he didn't learn things as well as Josh. Hopefully his WWE future is a lot brighter than things were for the 2011 TE winner Andy Leavine because he was a major bust. I think Josh was the right choice. He has all the tools to be great. It's up to him to put in the work to live up to that potential and be the star that WWE hopes he can become.
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Tough Enough
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.