WWE Tough Enough Winners: Where Are They Now?

4. Andy Leavine

Big Andy has to go down as one of the biggest WWE disappointments in recent memory. Leavine actually signed a developmental contract with WWE in 2010, but was released from it in January 2011 in order to try out and participate in Tough Enough. Leavine was miraculously announced the winner of the competition, despite being one of the back markers early on. Pretty much nobody had Andy pegged as the eventual winner but, sure enough, he defied the odds and won. Leavine was given a Vince McMahon slap and a Stone Cold Stunner on the June 6th 2011 Raw as a welcoming gift to the company. Backstage officials were reportedly furious that Andy didn't sell the two moves for long enough. It didn't really matter, anyway, since he was going back to train in FCW regardless. While training, he failed a Wellness Policy test and was suspended for thirty days. Leavine was released in April 2012, having never wrestled a match for the company. So what's he been doing in the last three years and where is he now? Leavine continued to wrestle, devoting most of his time to the World Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico. Some recent YouTube videos he posted showed him lifting some seriously heavy weight and he looks to be in great shape. Is a WWE return on the cards? Probably not.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...