WWE Tough Enough Winners: Where Are They Now?

2. Maven

As far as first winners go, you couldn't pick one better than Maven Huffman. Charismatic, athletic and a quick learner, Maven had a lot of the attributes that make a WWE superstar. Maven was thrown in at the deep end, feuding with The Undertaker, who he famously eliminated from the 2002 Royal Rumble. Maven floundered in the mid-card for the next couple of years before he began feuding with members of Evolution in late 2004. This feud included a Raw main event match against Triple H, which succeeded in making Maven look like a future star. It was frequently rumoured that Maven would be joining the stable but it never happened. Instead, Maven formed an entertaining tag team with fitness guru Simon Dean. When Dean was transferred to Smackdown in spring 2005, WWE saw no use for Maven and released him. Following his release, he worked for some indie promotions, including the TNA-affiliated UWF and also appeared on season six of VH1's The Surreal Life in 2005. He retired from wrestling in 2007. A tumultuous few years followed. Maven had developed a bad drug habit which landed him in trouble with the law in 2012 when he was found 'doctor shopping' (going from doctor to doctor in order to get refills). He subsequently entered WWE-sponsored rehab and managed to clean himself up. Today, Huffman is reconnecting with fans on social media and regularly posts on Twitter and Instagram. He provides commentary and does interviews for Extreme Cage Fighting as well as recently working as a bouncer in New York. You can find him at: https://instagram.com/mavenhuffman/ (he still looks exactly the same and is in really good shape).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...