4. HHH vs Goldberg vs Kevin Nash vs Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels - Summerslam 2003
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_eUY11Bz1M This match up pitted 6 competitors against each other in an Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Reports stated that originally this match was to just be HHH vs Goldberg, however due to a groin injury that HHH was nursing, it was made into a multi-man match and the 1 on 1 bout was put back another month to the Unforgiven 2003 PPV. The Elimination Chamber itself was a memorable Summerslam match, with many fans expecting Goldberg to walk away as Champion. HHH managed to work through the match, despite the injury, and walked out as Champion after hitting Goldberg with a Sledgehammer. This was around the time when a lot of the Internet Wrestling Community were frustrated with HHH being placed at the top of the card for so long, but in retrospect it seemed like this booking at the time made Goldberg's Championship win the following month all the more special. This showcased another one of HHH's talents shown multiple times over the years, and that's the ability to get under the skin of fans as a heel and make fans really appreciate the moment when the Challenger chasing the title wins the big one.
Lee Heir
A watcher of Professional Wrestling since 1989, in that time has filled up too much of his mind with knowledge of the subject.
Tries to see Wrestling from the viewpoint of all types of fan, once refereed an event during his teenage years and got a grazed chin from a Superkick to the face.
Follow his daily musings on Twitter - @lmheir
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