WWE Trying To Manipulate Tough Enough Voting?

They don't want ZZ to win even though the fans seem to like him.

WWE released a video this week of Tough Enough trainer Billy Gunn yelling at one of the contestants for about two minutes and thirty seconds. The contestant he yelled at was the 18 year old Zamariah "ZZ" Loupe, who has been able to avoid eliminations week after week due to his strong personality, even though physically he's not in the kind of shape that WWE wants their superstars to be in. According to F4Wonline, the clip was released publicly because WWE officials want ZZ gone from the show after this week. Dave Meltzer claimed WWE set things up for ZZ to be gone last week, but fans weren't manipulated the way they expected, so ZZ wasn't eliminated. During last week's elimination, ZZ got the most votes to stay while Mada went home even though he was one of the best guys on the show. Amanda ended up staying because The Miz thinks she's hot and has the look of a WWE diva.
The man and woman that both win Tough Enough are going to be under a lot of pressure immediately because of the $250,000 one year deal they will receive from WWE. That's five or six times more money than most people in developmental are making. The company doesn't want somebody that is physically unable to get through drills the way ZZ is, so it's no surprise that there is some manipulation going on. There are only three guys left: Josh (big guy), Tanner (best athlete but with a weak personality) and ZZ. How could they have avoided this problem? Not letting the fans vote. That's one of the aspects that is really hurting the show right now. You can watch the video of Gunn yelling at ZZ below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTlzzE2Zspw

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.