WWE: How The Ultimate Warrior's Return Happened

Given the historic animosity between WWE and Ultimate Warrior, his deal to return this year came about as somewhat of a surprise. The Wrestling Observer is now detailing how this unlikely reconciliation came about. The WWE video game actually ended up playing a vital role, with Warrior being used as the face of the brand launch. Triple H ended up meeting with Warrior during 2k sports press event that announced Warrior for WWE 2k14. Old animosity about Warrior burying Triple H at Wrestlemania 12 was obviously put to one side. The goodwill continued as Vince McMahon met with Warrior during the Summerslam weekend. A 30 minute meeting was scheduled between the pair, who had infamously fallen out over money issues in 1991 and contract disputes in 1996. The Summerslam meeting ended up going so well that the pair chatted for close to two hours. Reconciling on their issues, they decided to start plotting Warrior's WWE return. A deal was discussed for Warrior to come back into the WWE family during the Hall of Fame and Wrestlemania 30 weekend. This undoubtedly appealed to Warrior who has always loved the spotlight upon him. The specifics of the deal ended up being finalized over the December 2013 period around Christmas, Warrior getting his place in the Hall of Fame confirmed. Everything has worked out for the best with all concerned. Warrior was a huge star in his peak years. The legacy can not be ignored, and a lot of casual fans still remember the colourful star as their favourite performer. Even in-ring based aficionados such as CM Punk have highlighted Warrior as a great. The legend will now seal his legacy with a Hall of fame spot, in the process making Vince McMahon a wave of new money and media attention.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.