WWE: US Championship – A Legacy of Greatness DVD Review: 14 Interesting Observations

10. Continuety Errors

WWE united states championship dvd cover

In the midst of this near eight hour marathon, JBL and the script writers for the DVD lose themselves in the action.

On a couple of occasions a match is shown where a huge title change takes place, before JBL talks about the period of time before it happened.

It's a total mind f**k. Believe me, when you've got to watch a film this long in one sitting the last thing you want to be happening is confusion. It hurt my brain.

Even though each disk represents a different era of the belt, maybe a series of shorter, more detailed films would have been the better option here.

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.