WWE vs NXT: 10 Fantasy Match-Ups That Must Happen

1. Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe

Of all the potential NXT vs WWE encounters that could possibly occur, this is surely the most beneficial to both men. Samoa Joe deserves an immediate clash with a big-name star on the main roster, given his status as one of the most well-known independent megastars never to have a run under Vince McMahon. Similarly, Reigns needs a believably dangerous opponent to grant him some legitimacy before he pushes for the WWE Championship again, a role Joe can play to perfection. Instead of predictably playing up either man's Samoan roots, the WWE would do better to almost play this feud off as a callback to CM Punk vs John Cena. Reigns lacks the indie cred of Joe, having almost lucked his way into a top spot thanks to his awesome look and role as the "third man" of the Shield. Joe could use this to spark an intense rivalry, talking up his comparatively vast experience and daring Reigns to prove himself as more than a pretty face.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.