WWE WrestleMania 29: 10 Matches We Want To See

2. The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H HBK Triple H Undertaker The greatest WrestleMania matches of the modern era have included The Undertaker and former DX team mates Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Last year was supposed to be the end of that particular era, but could Michaels be lured out of retirement for one last match in a triple threat against Hunter and Undertaker? There's no need for a storyline, no need for a feud. This bout could be based entirely on the idea that these three men have such respect for one another that they simply decide to go at it one last time. Add a Hell in a Cell stipulation and this thing would be MASSIVE. Sadly, Taker has probably one big match left in him, two at a push so it would perhaps be unwise to risk him in such a match prior to his suspected retirement at WrestleMania 30. In truth, a triple threat match of this size is likely never going to happen and will remain a dream match but if it were even half as good as 'Taker's last 4 'Mania moments then it would be easily one of the all time greatest matches EVER.

1. CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

austin punk What none-match in the last few years has had as much hype, as much build up as Stonecold Steve Austin versus CM Punk - and by golly what a match it could be! According to Wrestling News World Dot Com WWE were in negotiations with Austin recently to maybe make an appearance at Royal Rumble to set the wheels in motion for a match with Punk but this seems to have stalled somewhat casting doubts on Austin appearing in a WWE ring any time this year. Despite the 'fantasy' nature of this match it remains the most intriguing potential contest on every fans wish list. It remains to be seen if these two massive superstars will ever do battle anywhere other than Twitter but even with a Wrestlemania loaded with potential appearances by Rock, Triple H, Lesnar and Undertaker Punk/Austin could easily be the main event we've all been waiting for. So there you have it. Those are our 10 dream matches. What are yours?

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.