WWE Wrestlemania 29 Match By Match Review

wrestlemania-29 The build up to Wrestlemania 29 has been interesting to say the least. Many people felt that the booking of the card was lazy and that the WWE were relying on part timers and rematches from last year to sell whilst others have praised its build up to matches like Punk and The Undertaker and Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger. If last night promised anything it was spectacle. So did Wrestlemania live up to its hype? Or was it as boring and predictable as many had imagined? Who would steal the show on the grandest stage of them all? Here€™s my match by match breakdown. The Shield Vs Big Show, Sheamus and Randy Orton What a great way to kick off the card! The Shield have been the most consistent performers in the WWE for the last few months and last night was no different as they set the standard for the rest of the night. The Shield have shown us over their last few matches that they have a great in ring psychology and that they can work a match really well. Ambrose picked up the pinfall after Orton stole a tag from Big Show after some great back and forth action. Post match Big Show beat down both Sheamus and Orton in a rather predictable spot. The Shield are unbeaten on PPV and they need something new for them this coming month otherwise they run the risk of growing stale if they continue this feud.
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English Literature and Journalism graduate. Writing all around the web about film, TV, football and wrestling. Follow me on Twitter @liamhoofe. Football League advocate. Check out my site: www.whatnotfilms.co.uk