WWE WrestleMania 30: 10 Best Moments

10. Opening Showdown

One of the biggest moments for fans would undeniably be the opening segment of the show. Host Hulk Hogan was interrupted by Stone Cold Steve Austin leading to two of the biggest names in the history of wrestling squaring up face-to-face. But despite delivering a moment some thought they would never see, WWE continued to deliver as there was one more electrifying surprise interruption in store. The Rock made his entrance to lead the celebration of mutual respect between three true superstars of the industry. Hogan was a bit awkward throughout, first making a slip-up when saying the arena's name which both Austin and Rock made a point of ribbing him with throughout the rest of the segment and by not returning The Rock's embrace when he entered. The two attitude era stars embraced fondly though and seemed to be having a riot of a time. But it was before The Rock appeared that one of the biggest moments came, as it seemed like Austin may get to go over Hogan twelve years after originally planned, when the two squared up and Austin asked the crowd if they wanted him to open a can of whoop-ass on the Hulkster to a resounding "Hell Yeah!" In the end though it was a celebration of the three legends, who all got to go through their own signature routines before sharing beers. Unfortunately they didn't all do the Hogan poses, but Rock has already done it and Austin may not have been willing to. Brilliant fan pleasing moment that many likely hadn't ever expected to see.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.