10. A Sense Of Occasion To Give The Anniversary Of Mania A Significant Moment
Vince McMahon is a man of tradition. The thirtieth anniversary of his greatest creation, Wrestlemania, should surely be marked with something of huge significance. The loss of The Undertake at a Wrestlemania would undoubtedly be one of the most significant events in WWE history. The company has built the streak up so much over the years, the promotion of the concept is arguably more of a selling point than Mania itself. If Taker is just going to retire anyway, then why not use the streak end to make the thirtieth anniversary of Mania epic. A loss is the only way to do this. A Taker win happens every year, only a loss can serve as a monumental benchmark. It is something that the savvy McMahon is surely aware of. Wrestlemania 1, 10, and 20 all came from Madison Square Garden. Mania 30 has broken that tradition and may end up coming across as just another Mania. The Taker loss can reaffirm the notion that the 'Decade Mania' is a special event. We can also add that McMahon's big booking decision at Wrestlemania 20, the Benoit win, was deleted from the history books for obvious reasons. This is Vince McMahon's chance to do what he wanted to do at Wrestlemania 20 - put over a famous win that can go down in history.