WWE WrestleMania 30: 5 Lesnar vs Undertaker Matches To Watch First

5. Unforgiven 2002: WWE Championship Match

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6acnV_K_oE Brock Lesnar became the youngest WWE champion in history (to that point, at least) when he defeated The Rock in the main event of SummerSlam 2002. The win catapulted him to the top of the wrestling world as, for the first time in years, Vince McMahon attempted to create a young star to guide his company into the future. To help further establish him, Lesnar was paired with Undertaker for the first feud of his title reign. The Dead Man defeated Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle in a triple threat match to earn an opportunity at the WWE title. Knowing his client was nowhere near experienced enough to go toe-to-toe with Undertaker and win, Paul Heyman turned to mind games, bringing up Undertaker's then-wife Sara, who was pregnant with their child. When the mother-to-be appeared in-person, Paul Heyman confronted her, goading Undertaker into a trap that saw him beat down by the WWE champion. With emotions high, the two entered the Staples Center in Los Angeles for the main event of the Unforgiven pay-per-view. Physical is the best way to describe Lesnar's first pay-per-view title defense as he and his top contender unleashed fury on one another. There was very little in the way of scientific wrestling. Instead, Undertaker and Lesnar settled for a smash mouth wrestling style that saw them throw strikes and power moves at one another as they attempted to put the other away and leave the City of Angels with the WWE title in their possession. Both men were bloodied in what was the most physical test of Lesnar's main roster career. Unfortunately for the fans watching both in the arena and at home, emotions got the best of both competitors. After the referee was bumped for the second time while attempting to break the Superstars apart in the corner, he called for the bell and ruled the contest a double disqualification. The show went off the air with Undertaker sending Lesnar crashing through the Unforgiven set, leaving the door open for a rematch between the two the following month. The match was easily the worst of the Undertaker-Lesnar series. The two had never worked together before and it was plain to see as they struggled to get on the same page. The brawling worked because of the size and style of the competitors but the repeated referee bumps and the terrible finish hurt the overall quality of the bout significantly.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.