WWE WrestleMania 30: 5 Lesnar vs Undertaker Matches To Watch First

2. Biker Chain Match For The WWE Championship - No Mercy 2003

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFj-x4KMz8U One week after defeating Brock Lesnar and Big Show in a triple threat match to earn a shot at Kurt Angle's WWE Championship, Undertaker was viciously and savagely assaulted by Lesnar, who utilized a steel chair to beat down both champion and challenger. When Lesnar defeated Angle in a classic Iron Man match on a stellar episode of SmackDown, it became clear that the animalistic Superstar was in need of a new challenger. Enter Undertaker, who understandably wanted revenge for the assault he suffered at the hands of Lesnar weeks earlier. Flanked by SmackDown general manager Stephanie McMahon, it was announced that Undertaker would challenge the former Next Big Thing for the title at the October pay-per-view extravaganza, No Mercy. Furthermore, the match would be a Biker Chain match in which the Superstar to climb a pole and retrieve the chain could use it as a weapon. With the rules clear and the groundwork laid, Undertaker and Lesnar headlined the annual fall event for the second consecutive year. Unlike their previous pay-per-view title bout, which focused on violence and brutality for storyline purposes, this one featured two guys just pounding on one another. The match was very much a war of attrition as champion and challenger exchanged hard rights and lefts, big boots and knees to the midsection. They introduced the ring stairs into the match and Lesnar wasted little time putting them to waste, delivering a drop toehold that sent Undertaker face-first into them. The challenger utilized the steps to his advantage as well, delivering a rare standard piledriver that stunned the champion and turned momentum in the favor of the Dead Man. He attempted to retrieve the chain but Lesnar stopped him, to which Undertaker answered with a triangle choke over the top rope. What started off rather slow picked up significantly as the bout wore on. Late in the contest, the Full Blooded Italians interfered in hopes of aiding Lesnar to victory. Undertaker had other plans for them, however, as he cleared them out and delivered a suicide tope onto Johnny the Bull and Chuck Palumbo. After thwarting an attempt by Nunzio to grab the chain, it looked like Undertaker was well on his way to victory. He retrieved the chain but was suddenly shoved off the top rope by Mr. McMahon, who wanted nothing more than to see his ideal champion Lesnar retain the gold. Straddled on the top rope, he was unable to prevent Lesnar from recovering, grabbing the chain and knocking him out. Three seconds later and Brock had successfully retained his championship. The match paled in comparison to the epic Hell in a Cell encounter the two competitors had a year earlier. Whereas that match had very real drama thanks to an exceptional story and sensible high spots and violence, the Biker Chain match in 2003 was overbooked and messy. That is not to say that Lesnar and Undertaker did not still deliver a very entertaining, quality main event but it was nowhere near as good as their previous championship clash. Which is sad considering that Lesnar was a much better, much smarter worker in 2003 than he was as a rookie in 2002.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.