WWE WrestleMania 30: Predictions For Every Match

The Shield vs. Kane And The New Age Outlaws

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ7IGD0e1Bg The Shield have been so engaging in their role that it almost overshadows the potential great ring action here between the veterans and the new guard. "The Hounds of Justice" will be fierce and will lay a beating on Road Dogg early on, grounding The New Age Outlaws and Kane at every opportunity. Look for the Outlaws to come back with front powerslams, DDTs, and plenty of double teaming before Kane tags in and really dominates Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose with punches, big boots and a flying clothesline. Taking the battle out to the floor, Roman Reigns will deliver a devastating clothesline from hell to Kane before knocking out Billy Gunn with his spectacular Superman Punch. Seth Rollins will be the star of the match with an amazing display of athleticism and high flying maneuvers, but it will be Road Dogg who manages to endure and takes advantage with a sneaky roll up on Rollins for the surprise win. The next night on Raw, Rollins and Ambrose will turn on Reigns, blaming him for the loss. Winners: Kane and The New Age Outlaws

Marshall Ward is an arts, music, entertainment and professional wrestling writer based in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. A weekly columnist with the Waterloo Chronicle newspaper, Ward is also a contributing writer for Rock Cellar Magazine and has interviewed everyone from William Shatner to Olivia Newton-John to Ringo Starr. Email is welcome at marshall_ward@hotmail.com.