WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Matches That Must Happen

8. Goldberg vs. Ryback

Goldberg Ryback Whatever you do, don't follow up that tag match with this one, because it's far from ludicrous to imagine that Goldberg vs. Ryback would not be a technical classic, or even a great in-ring spectacle full stop. As WWE have shown time and time again, they're willing to forgo some technical sparks if the hype is there, and it certainly would be for this one. There's some history between these men. Upon his debut, Ryback was effectively booked as a Goldberg clone, running though his opponents in quick order. Stirring the pot when asked about comparisons, Ryback said he was a much better performer than old Bill ever was, something that irked the former WCW World Champion. Make this one a short affair with some big power moves, give it satisfactory build, and there would be a lot of fans interested. Older enthusiasts would delight in seeing Goldberg wrestle again, that much is for sure.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.