WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Matches That Must Happen

5. The Rock vs. Triple H

it really seems like WWE are going to go with some form of match pitting Triple H against Sting at Wrestlemania, which is fine, but this writer would far rather see 'The Game' renew his old rivalry with The Rock. Looking at some of the other dream matches on the card, it's clear that both veterans would really need to raise their game in order to produce something special, but that's the best motivation one can imagine. There's so much history here, and WWE could pull a lot of footage from their vast archives to really add weight to the encounter. The Rock could be the perfect guy to challenge The Authority, and provided there's some sort of Street Fight stipulation, this could be a cracker.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.